Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Health & wellbeing
Age Well Project
Our Age Well Project takes place at the Hope Cafe every Wednesday. A great way to Socialise!
Healthy Families Walking Group
Promoting Health & Wellbeing Conversations
Health & wellbeing

Girls Connected

Girls Connected is a youth social group for young girls aged 11-19 years. The group meet every Friday evening 6:30PM - 8:30PM at the Ravensthorpe Community Centre.

Sessions are led by staff and provide a space space for girls to socialise and engage in fun activities such as: 

Stay Safe self-defence sessions 



Arts and Crafts


Outings, making friends and building on social skills

and many more fun activities


Health & wellbeing

Community Champions

Our Community Champions are highly trained and skilled individuals to help support and bring change into out community. Community Champions work closely with and hold regular drop in sessions at Greenwood centre Health centre; Ravensthorpe Library; Healds Road Surgery; Diamond Wood Academy; Ravensthorpe Junior School; Pentland Infant and Nursery School

Our Champions lead on health activities such as walking groups, coffee mornings, wellbeing groups (dimentia; womens health; etc) and the Hope Cafe. 




Health & wellbeing



Health & wellbeing

The Art of Volunteering


Here at Ravensthorpe Community Centre we are always more than happy to welcome volunteers across our organisation. We believe Volunteering is a great way for an individual to apply their skills and knowledge in many different areas. We like to encourage people to step outside of their comfort zone to bring out their full potential and explore their capabilities. Volunteering is also a great way for people to develop their social skills and make new friends in a group setting through the many events we hold. 


Please feel free to contact or visit our centre further if you are interested in volunteering.